Admission – Christ Jyoti


Admission and Withdrawal

1. New admission will be taken only according to the availability of seats in each class.
2. Application for admission to the school should be made in the prescribed form issued by the school. Parents/guardians should fill in the forms accurately and submit it at the time of the admission. No change in the Name, DOB etc. will be allowed later.
3. For admission, the candidate must submit a transfer certificate from the school they last attended.
4. Parents/Guardians who will be directly responsible for the student, should accompany him/her at the time of admission.
5. Transfer certificates will be issued on a receipt of a written application from the Parent/Guardian, mentioning the class, section, roll no. and admission no. of the pupil.

Documents for Admission:

The following documents are required during admission:
1) Aadhaar card.
2) Passport photo.
3) Local address proof.
4) Previous year report card.